What is in My Pumping bag
Within the first few weeks I learned what was important to pack for not only baby but for you girls as well.
What You Need to Know
Welcome to my page! Thank you so much for viewing my blog, there are a lot of things I’m still new to and being a blogger is one of them. I’ll start this with the basic things about myself because I don’t want to spoil future post. My name is Jasmine Carlson and I’m a first-time mom to a handsome little boy named William Henry. William’s father, John and I are high school sweet hearts and have been together since 2013. To be honest he is the best dad to our son and an amazing supporter of everything I do. We are active outdoorsmen and hunters, we are hoping our son will be the same way. We are currently starting a new journey of being homeowners and I would love to share the process of a fixer upper with my viewers. I have always been a creative person, blogging is just one of my creative outlets. I love sharing my crafts and recipes with others, being a stay at home mom I have plenty of time on my hands to burn while my son catches his cat naps. William is the main reason I decide to start a blog, because being a new mom there are so many neat tips and tricks, I have learned just in the first few weeks. I never knew how much went into having a baby from post-partum all the way down to the basics of breast feeding. So not only was this page created to help other moms like myself but also is used for a learning tool and outlet for myself. So, if any of this sounds interesting to you please stick around and be apart of my journey.
Thank you for reading,
Jasmine Carlson